Tuesday 8 June 2010

Why Hitler?

In 1918 Adolf Hitler was a wounded corporal in the defeated German army.
In 1923 he tried to take power by force in the city of Munich. He failed and was sent to prison.
But by 1933 he was the leader of Germany.
A year later he had total power. He decided the law. Anyone who opposed him was imprisoned or killed. He started building up the armed forces, leading to the Second World War, the most devastating war in world history. Millions - mainly civilians - would die all over the world and the Nazis would try to murder all the Jews and Gypsies in Europe.
But Hitler didn't come to power by force. He was voted in.
Did Hitler come to power because of his own actions, his own skills?
Or did he just take advantage of outside events that gave him opportunities?

Task 1: go to the The Rise of Hitler Quiz and answer the questions using a copy of Modern Minds. Type your name at the top of the page and print out your finished work.

Task 2: Do every stage of the Rise of Hitler interactive. At the end it takes you to other sites you can explore.

Task 3: Now answer the following question as fully as you can, backing up your argument with evidence. Did Hitler come to power because of his own actions or because of other events?